Gamut Repetitor#

Quad random, highly controllable, quantized-voltage generator and generative CV sequencer.


Gamut Repetitor is a four-channel random quantized voltage generator with looping, range, key, and scale settings. Turn Length all the way up and send in a trigger pattern to generate four random voltages, then use the built-in quantizer, key, and range controls to change the way voltages are generated. Once you hear something you like, turn the Length down to a sequence length you like and loop away!

  • Type: Quad quantized random generator
  • Size: 10 HP
  • Depth: .8 inches
  • Power: 2x5 Eurorack
  • +12 V: 55mA
  • -12 V: 15 mA


Gamut -- from Middle English: "an entire range or series"

Repetitor -- from Latin repetito with suffix -tor to make the noun: "thing which repeats"

"Thing which repeats all the things"


Power connector

To power your Noise Engineering module, turn off your case. Plug one end of your ribbon cable into your power board so that the red stripe on the ribbon cable is aligned to the side that says -12 V and each pin on the power header is plugged into the connector on the ribbon. Make sure no pins are overhanging the connector! If they are, unplug it and realign.

Line up the red stripe on the ribbon cable so that it matches the white stripe and/or -12 V indication on the board and plug in the connector.

Screw your module into your case before powering on the module. You risk bumping the module's PCB against something metallic and damaging it if it's not properly secured when powered on.

You should be good to go if you followed these instructions. Now go make some noise!

A final note. Some modules have other headers -- they may have a different number of pins or may say "not power". In general, unless a manual tells you otherwise, do not connect those to power.

Input & output voltages#

Gamut Repetitor’s CV inputs have a range of 0V to +5V.

Its trigger inputs have a threshold of about +2V.

Its trigger outputs have a range of about 0V to +5V.

Its CV outputs have a range of 0V to +5V.



Changes the root note of the scale used to generate random voltages.
Changes the amount of deviation from the root note, from 0 to 24 semitones.
Changes the length of the loop. To generate random voltage continuously, turn fully clockwise. To loop the most recent voltages, turn Length down to the desired value.
Values divisible by 2 illuminate the LED red, values divisible by 3 illuminate blue, and values divisble by both illuminate purple.
Shifts the range of voltages around the root note. For example, if Spread is set to the maximum of 24 semitones, and Down/Up is set to maximum, the highest possible voltage generated would be two octaves above root, and the lowest would be the root voltage. If Down/Up is set to minimum, the highest possible voltage would be the root, and the lowest would be two octaves below the root.
Trigger input that resets all four channels to the starting value of the loop on the next trigger if Length is set to less than infinite.
Holding down the Reset button for a few seconds will change the trigger outputs from passthrough mode to rhythm generation mode, where randomized repeating rhythm patterns are generated at the trigger outputs. Holding Reset down again changes the mode back to trigger passthrough.
Maj/Min/Sym, Flavor, Count
These switches select the scale used when generating voltages. The top switch changes between major, minor, and symmetric scales. The center switch changes the style of scale. The bottom switch changes the number of notes used. A full table of all 27 possible scales can be found below in the Scale selection section.
The M/M/S jack controls the top Maj/Min/Sym switch, and the Scale jack enables CV over all possible positions of Flavor and Count.
In 1/2/3/4
Trigger inputs that advance the looped pattern or generate a new random voltage. These inputs are normalled from top to bottom so, for example, a trigger at In 1 will advance all four channels if no other ins are patched.
Trig Out 1/2/3/4
By default, input triggers are passed through to their respective outputs here. Holding down the Reset button for a few seconds will change the trigger outputs from passthrough mode to rhythm generation mode, where randomized repeating rhythm patterns are generated at the trigger outputs. Holding it down again changes the mode back to trigger passthrough.
CV Out 1/2/3/4
Generated 1V/8va voltages are output here.

Scale selection#

The three switches select scales for note generation. The scales were chosen with the goal of sounding as musical as possible any time a switch was changed by one position.

This table assumes that the root note is C and shows the possible scale degrees. L/C/R (left/center/right) are used to denote switch position, from top to bottom; for example, CRL has Maj/Min/Sym in the center Minor position, Flavor in the right position, and Count in the left position.

Gamut Repetitor's scale chart

Patch tutorial#

Patch a clock or trigger pattern to In 1. Patch CV Out 1 to your voice’s 1V/8va input and Trig Out 1 to your voice’s trigger input. Turn the Length parameter to maximum, and adjust the Root, Spread, and Down/Up parameters to find a range of random notes you like. Adjust the scale selection switches to try out different patterns.

Once you hear a pattern you like, turn Length down to loop a loop length you like and lock in a randomized pattern. Adjust Root, Spread, or Down/Up to further randomize your pattern.

Use the other CV outs to modulate CV destinations in your patches, or patch more trigger patterns to the other trigger inputs and use the trigger and CV outs to create four randomized sequences for four different voices.

Design notes#

We had the idea for Gamut Repetitor a few years ago. Our first prototype was sent off for build in December of 2022. It was a somewhat stripped down model that had four trigger inputs and four CV outputs. We played with that for a little bit and realized that four trigger outputs would make the module imminently more useable, so we redesigned and reconfigured and were pretty happy with the outcome.

The final prototype had a few resistor values we wanted to swap around and then once we did that, we were ready for production. We showed the final prototype at the inaugural Buchla and Friends show in January, 2024, so a few people got a sneak peak.

Each year, the whole team meets up for Synthdaddi, our annual planning meeting. This year, Synthdaddi fell the week after Buchla and Friends. By then we were pretty happy with the module, so we put it on the schedule for release in a few months, marking the first time we have ever, ever had our crap together enough to be that far ahead of schedule.

At that point, it was called Pax Digitalis, but we had a bit of internal strife over that name. Pax was what we’d used for pitch modules, but this does way more than pitch. Digitalis is our sequencer line but does it encapsulate randomness? These are the things that keep your Noise Engineers up at night. Overthinking it? Maybe. But here we are.

Shawn came up with the name Gamut, in the context of another product, but we all realized it fit the bill for this module. We borrowed the name Repetitor from our other rhythm sequencers because the point of Numeric and Zularic Repetitors is that they are plug-and-play fun pattern generation.

New name in hand, we were ready to go, but of course, one thing led to another and we shifted the release schedule for the year approximately 1 million billion times before we settled on a June release for this one. In fact, I just had to consult the planning calendar again to make sure that June is where we landed.


We will repair or replace (at our discretion) any product that we manufactured as long as we are in business and are able to get the parts to do so. We aim to support modules that have been discontinued for as long as possible. This warranty does not apply to normal wear and tear, including art/panel wear, or any products that have been modified, abused, or misused. Our warranty is limited to manufacturing defects.

Warranty repairs/replacements are free. Repairs due to user modification or other damage are charged at an affordable rate. Customers are responsible for the cost of shipping to Noise Engineering for repair.

All returns must be coordinated through Noise Engineering; returns without a Return Authorization will be refused and returned to sender.

Please contact us if you think one of your modules needs a repair.

Special thanks#

  • Don Buchla